Okay, now it really is here -- time to get serious. Medical personnel need to review their equipment and procedures, and we may need to adjust the definition of airborne to include the droplets from sneezing. Full face respirators and triple redundancy may become standard practice, just like the Cleaning Guys. Complacency may be a killer ...

Another term to be concerned with is "Hubris": overbearing pride or presumption. Many in conservative media have used it to describe a certain politician, but it may also apply to the US medical establishment. We have great pride in our medical system and due to that pride we may be presuming that we can control this third world disease.

It might be time to rethink that presumption. It's here and it's not contained, time for the "full-face respirators and Level B Saranac suits" like those contractors in Dallas; maybe they weren't over-cautious, maybe they had it right. Then again, their incubation period isn't up yet...

The article An Ebola Outbreak Would Be Advantageous For Globalists is concerning. I'll leave it there with no further comment.