I have just received a call from 'Microsoft' technical support, who were attempting to allow me to allow them to 'Take Over' my PC.

There were incredibly persistent to the point of trying to keep a straight face.

They said that my computer was in danger of being destroyed from the Windows Reporting Error codes the computer had been sent to them at Microsoft.

I explained it was not possible that they could have received any Error Reporting codes

So first my questions were.

i) How did you get this number.
i1) What IP address was on the Error Reporting codes.
iii) Their Telephone number so I could call them back
iv) The address of Microsoft Centre they were calling from.
v) The OS I was currently using.

The only information the agent could give was that they were based in New Jersey (no further address details) in the USA. As all the other information was not able given due to security policy by Microsoft.

To which I asked if they were calling from the US Government National Security Agency. To which he denied.

I explained I needed to authenticate who was calling.
I was then told that if I was not compliant to the Microsoft callers commands then my Microsoft License would be revoked.

That is when I went 'Very Angry' and demanded to the speak to the Microsoft centre Manager to complain about the threat.

Two Managers later I then explained that after speaking to the Captain, that I needed either a CRM-144 code or an NSA authentication token as we cannot allow anyone to access the SLBM fire control computer due to liability issues as the UK Government doesn't actually own the missiles.

The Senior Manager from Microsoft still demanded that he would still need to access the PC, to which I said that a GHCQ phone trace had been started as I couldn't authenticate that they were from Microsoft and that I had now had enough time to complete the trace. The phone then went dead. laugh

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (09/26/14 03:33 PM)