Just ran across this, which may be of interest to those folks thinking about bikes as an alternative in large scale disasters. Portland OR is a very bike friendly city. For the last three years Portland has had a bike event called "Disaster Relief Trials".
The Idea behind the inaugural Disaster Relief trials was twofold; to showcase the impressive capabilities of cargo bicycles/trailers and show the real-world disaster capabilities of bicycles in general. The scenario centered, then as now, around a hypothetical 30 mile round trip supply run on day 4 after a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. This is around the time that the shift from response to recovery would likely have begun, and supplies would be arriving in earnest. In what has become the core components of DRT’s nationwide, each rider was tasked with collecting equipment and supplies at multiple destinations, with 100lbs collected per rider over the course. Riders were required to choose their routes to the checkpoints and pickup locations, lash and secure outsize cargo, navigate mandatory obstacles, self-repair, and arrive with all their designated cargo. In the end, all 30 riders split in two classes completed the course, and 3000lbs of cargo was assembled at the start/finish.
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz