Reading your account, I couldn't but help mull over the alternative option of carrying a solar panel, like Goal Zero's Nomad 7 or 3.5, and the relative tradeoffs. Instead of the Biolite, one would have a cartridge stove - say a canister hooked up to a Pocket Rocket.

I have seen the biolite at my local REI, and I agree, it is too hefty for backpacking. Thinking of another recent thread, maybe it would be something for Jeanette-Isabella to consider. She might get a charge out of it...

With a solar panel, the prevailing opinion seems to be that it will not charge well when on he move, so you really need to be stationary for the rig to work well.

Keeping electronics charged seems to be more and more necessary. Is there anything that uses leg motion?
Geezer in Chief