Bit late to the party--I was awake at 3:20am, at the time of the quake, in San Francisco. My house is on solid ground and not on sand or landfill like many other parts of San Francisco. To me, I felt a moderate bump, and then the house seemed to feel "squirrely" for 5-10 seconds. My coworker in the East Bay said it feel like a giant was violently jerking his condo back and forth, and another coworker in the East Bay slept right through it, so people definitely felt different things in the Bay Area.

I tuned to the news and radio right away, but didn't see anything at all, so I shrugged and finally went to bed. When I woke up around 10:30am, I was shocked that all the stations were showing non-stop news coverage and how badly Napa City had been hit. I guess it takes time to ramp up the newsroom, call in anchors and such in the middle of the night.