haertig..i plan to have the first two rounds in my pistol as blanks.the company i got them from said expect a major muzzle blast.the next four will be bear loads.
i have never had a problem bear in all my years canoe tripping but rather than bang pots and pans together,a normal anti bear method,i thought a good loud BANG would do the job.
i should mention i would never shoot a black bear unless it had me by the foot dragging me out of the tent or something.
the use of blanks came to me after meeting a bear guide on the last canoe trip.he said a shot bear will run from the sound of the gun and drop dead,he hopes,in a hundred yards.a bear darted with a arrow won't run but will stand around the area until it drops.
also a lady who was the last person to live in the canoe park years ago kept a lever action 30 30 handy and said a shot in the air would chase it away from her supply shed.her take on the subject was that bears live in the quiet of the woods and a blast from a gun is too much for them.