Cuter... smile My niece was into anything pink so she received one of DR's pink mini-RSK's. It's a nice sharp despite its pinkness.

The only toolkit I have that qualifies as pocket carry is a Mission Wallet with an SAK Farmer and one of the older LM Squirt E4's (replaced by the Squirt ES4). The wire strippers are real and very functional. If you are into wires or prefer needle-nose pliers (I raise my hand here), the ES4 is a very good option. I watched my (at the time) boss struggling trying to clean up a multi-pin connector (while away from his toolbox) using ad hoc tools (pocketknife) and in a rare moment lent him the E4 from the Mission Wallet. What a difference a real wire stripper makes.

Maybe it's just me, but I the pliers on the PS4 don't do anything for me. They're just very small blunt pliers. The ES4 is a better option IMO. But that's just me...

The other kit that would qualify is the toolkit under the seat of my bike, but that's normally hanging from the rafters in the garage. It's very mission focused and not exactly available.