I have a few questions. This forum seems like a good source of knowledge...

1. Bitcoin stops working if there is no electricity or Internet. Is that right?

2. Bitcoin mining is scheduled to stop in 2140. But, in only about 40 years, I'm thinking computers and the Internet will be completely unrecognizable as we currently know them. Do you see Bitcoin as being a currency that depends on how the Internet currently works TODAY?

3. Bitcoins are super volatile. The exchange rate an hour ago was $486 US. At the moment (one hour later), the exchange rate is $478 US. When will the volatility stop? When more people jump in?

4. 21,000,000 bitcoins will be the max in the year 2140. At the current exchange rate, that's $10,038,000,000 US. That's not a lot of money for a total valuation of a currency. Or am I thinking about this the wrong way?
If you're reading this, it's too late.