Originally Posted By: ireckon

Good video.

I still don't fully understand it. I saw this video of a guy getting bitcoins from a kiosk.

Actually, think of it as an automated currency exchange. Cash goes in, bitcoins go into a bitcoin wallet. Or you give bitcoins to the owner of the machine electronically, and cash comes out. Bitcoins have no physical representation.

Anyway, is anybody here using Bitcoin? What's the appeal for you?

I do not and have never owned any bitcoins.

If I had been more foresightful, I would have gotten in early, when it was much easier to mine bitcoins, and applied as much computer hardware towards bitcoin mining that I could afford. Late February of this year would have been a good time to cash out.

Governments are starting to wake up to the potential disruptive effect bitcoin can have on fiscal policy, tax collection, and surveillance of money movements. Expect more regulation soon.