What's considered "good" is definitely defined by your age. When I was young, the Led Zeppelin that I liked was considered way out there by my parents, but now I hear it on elevators.

When I go to an NHL hockey game, they often have a choice of three songs to "play next" during intermissions. The audience gets to vote (with applause volume when the songs are announced). It is almost always the "oldie" of the group of songs wins. Probably because, by-in-large, us old people are the only ones who can routinely afford the expensive NHL tickets.

I have fond memories of watching the "Get Smart" TV show with my family when it was originally aired. Somehow, I think if I watched it again now, I would say, "What a idiotic show!"

I was into rock-n-roll in my youth. Now I'm into Beethoven, Debussy, Liszt, Brahms, Chopin ... times change. We get old (which kind of sucks, but the alternative is worse).