Unfortunately rather too much mall ninja/Rambo stuff predicated on "societal collapse," whatever that might be. I note that he will be using this pack for SAR in the Phoenix area, so rather massive revisions will be in order. My SAR packs, developed and evolved for SAR centered around Tucson, were a pretty good start on what we are calling a BOB these days. Rather frequently I would grab my pack, respond to a situation, and be living off the content of the pack for 18-48hours. I was continually tweaking the pack, responding to weather and varying conditions. I would do the same with any BOB about which I wanted to be the least bit serious.

Strapping items to the pack is actually rather ingenious. Remember Hansel and Gretel and the breadcrumbs? As he treks through the desert, the spiny vegetation will comb through the items and make life easy for searchers as they endeavor to reach him. I hope the handcuff key is large enough to be readily observable.....
Geezer in Chief