I used to love Maglites. We still keep solitaires by the bed and have two of the monster multi-d cell Mags for walking the dog, blackouts, etc. Like everyone else though, I've been moving to LEDs for their power frugality if not their brightness and I'd never take an incandescent bulb camping again. (And I think the SOS beacon on the Microlight III is a hoot -- too bad the Armed Forces don't teach morse code anymore.)

However, after reading about the new ultra-LEDs, I think it's time to replace the monster Maglites with something like the Elektro Lumens FT-3C (reviewed here), which throws off more than enough light, i.e, 72 lumens, for 12 hours. It's $60, which is still on the higher end of the spectrum for a flashlight, but will easily pay for itself in battery savings quickly enough.