For work in a local area I always preferred a bucket like the Klein ( The stay open bucket is easy to get to and easy to return to. Hand carry in a local area is OK. When traveling I prefer a pack style. In years past I have seen buckets with pack straps (I think they were actually rope buckets, but they worked if the back was padded. Since you are already carrying a pack, that won't work either. I have seen some sawyers who use a vest like: to carry their gear. Personally I find it confining, particular when using a crosscut. Another technique would be to find a way to clip or hang your bucket from the Pack you carry (I have done this when carrying a chainsaw on a pack frame). Just make sure it is secure and not swinging around.

No association with Ben Medows, just use them a lot and knew the URL. I am sure there are similar items from other suppliers.



p.s. Congrats on your B, hope it comes with a healthy raise! jf

Edited by JerryFountain (03/04/14 07:02 PM)
Edit Reason: fix url