Chris,<br><br>Great idea! Actually, Sue and I were talking about something similar. Technically (well, traditionally perhaps) these are referred to as a "gig" when an online community has such a gathering. It may just be a meeting between members for dinner if someone has come to town for some reason or a conference/convention is going on or it can be a weekend event with seminars and scheduled activities and anything in between. One of the most successful of these special interest events that I have attended regularly has been SMXgig for the AVSIG online aviation community with its 13th year in planning stage.<br><br>Over the years I have attended perhaps a hundred such gigs, mostly just dinner or breakfast gatherings at some other event. It is great fun to finally meet the people behind the names.<br><br>Anyway, I'd be interested in attending (finances and date permitting). If someone wants to volunteer to organize it, I will be happy to provide what support that I can. With the holidays here, next year would probably be best and it's always a good idea to keep other major events in mind when selecting a date.
Doug Ritter
Equipped To SurviveŽ
Chairman & Executive Director
Equipped To Survive Foundation