Originally Posted By: haertig
Originally Posted By: JBMat
I guess the paved driveway wasn't good enough to park on.

When you live in snow country, you rapidly learn not to just pull into (or drive out of) your driveway. You shovel the snow off first. Otherwise the tire tracks compress things down, then it freezes, then you have solid ice that stays there forever. The alternative is NOT to park on your grass though (???), but that's another story.

Snow shovels aren't exactly sold at the gas station in the south. I'm still getting buy on my shovel from Michigan 5 years ago (and need a new one!)
Most folks here don't realize a grain shovel works just as well.

Oh, and I just drove on the driveway. Didn't mind the compressed snow/ice much, just gunned the car and seemed to do fine. Did have quite the ice-speed-bump at the end of the driveway, though!