After spending 5 years in cub scouting with my son, and now getting close to wrapping up his first year in a boy scout troop, here is my .02 worth.

First and foremost, get a guide to safe scouting. You can find the free PDF here:

You will find this quick reference guide to age appropriate scouting activities helpful as well:

As you can see, under aquatics, any boating activity is only approved for district or council events for cub scouts.

I agree with everyone else about not dispensing medications, even over the counter meds, to a scout (required personal medications should be administered by the parent attending the event). I would go so far as to say don’t even give it to a parent to give to the child. If something goes wrong, guess who is liable? Don’t think for a second giving it to the parent first removes you of any/all liability. Consider this as well: If something goes wrong, and you have not followed BSA guidelines, you will not be covered under the BSA umbrella insurance liability policy. Leave it up to the parents to bring medications to administer themselves to their own child. At the Cub Scout level parents should be there with their child anyway. If you are at a district or council run event, and they don’t have medications with them, send them to the first aid station. DO NOT under any but the direst circumstances take that liability on yourself. At the Webelos and Boy Scouts you may need to administer personal meds as you may go camping independently, but as others have suggested, get permission slips as needed.

I agree what others have mentioned about training. Make sure you also include all the appropriate BSA training for Cub Scout Leaders.

Ken has it spot on. You won’t be doing much with cub scouts that will take you very far from having access to your vehicles or medical help. Cub Scouts, even Webelos, may only camp where they have access to running water and working bathrooms. This usually means car camping at an established campground. That said, now is a great time to be getting the knowledge, training and gear together for when your son does cross over to a Boy Scout Troop. The knowledge and skills you pick up now will be a HUGE help.

So what’s in the pack? Well, when the troop put their packs together for the First Tenderfoot requirement, we went by the checklists in the BSA handbook. First were the ten essentials: Pocketknife, First aid kit (per the BSA personal first aid kit list), Extra clothing, Rain gear, Water bottle (1 liter/quart), Flashlight or headlamp, Trail food, Matches/Fire starter, Sun protection (hat, sunglasses, sunscreen), and finally Map and compass. Additionally we added the personal camping items: Sleeping bag or blankets, sleeping pad, ground cloth. Eating kit (Knife, Fork, Spoon or Spork; Plate; Bowl; Cup), Clean-up Kit (Soap in sealed container, Toothbrush & Toothpaste, Dental Floss, Comb or hair brush, Washcloth & Towel). I added a few other items per what I have learned over the years from all the wonderful folks here at ETS. A small fixed blade knife, folding hand saw, a couple of contractors size garbage bags (one as a rain cover for my pack, an extra as a makeshift shelter, poncho, ground cloth, or whatever), some assorted Ziploc bags, a beefed up first aid kit, extra emergency blankets, extra disposable ponchos (new troop, young boys, not always following the motto of being prepared), a 100 foot hank of ¼” rope (I find it a bit odd that this is not on the list), a 200 ft spool of jute twine (for guy lines and additional tinder if needed), extra assorted fire starters in a dry box, a small backpacking stove (recently added, still need to get a fuel canister), and a couple of chemical hand/body warmers.

Oh, and one last thing, on page 63 of the BSA Wilderness Survival Merit Badge Pamphlet, you will find this website listed as an online resource. I thought I was in the right place when I discovered ETS back in 2009, it's a good feeling to know that BSA agrees.
Uh ... does anyone have a match?