Originally Posted By: RNewcomb
I like the idea of a sleeping bag, but it does take up a lot of space in the vehicle. I love my Escape, but there's not a whole lot of space back there if you put in a sleeping bag.

I have two sets of those Adventure medical kits emergency blankets (Heat Sheets?), and although a sleeping bag would be much more comfortable to "sleep" on or in, from a warmth perspective, and being out of the wind, do you think that's adequate?

From what I've seen of Iowa's winter weather, think I'd be keeping a 0-degree or 20-degree bag in there - space be damned. I got a 20-degree bag on sale from LL Bean and it is pretty compact in its original bag -- fits in the Coleman stainless cooler I keep in the car (Honda Element). I have other things stuffed in that cooler around the bag, too (such as my energy bars, ice scraper, other smaller items)

I wonder if a Heatsheet would fit over a fleece sleeping bag liner (which unzipped is a nice blanket two could fit under). Those fleece bags can be rolled and squished pretty small (especially in a compression sack).
