It is because "anthropogenic" is at the center of the political aspect of global warming that I made that recommendation

Bovinogenic Global warming is probably a more serious problem (just about) than the hot air generated by poorly educated Politicians despite their best efforts. wink

I'm a little concerned by the self regulating 'Newspeak' though, which it would, seems to have gone further than even political correctness. Has it really come to this. Anthropogenic is a just a word, which has a very specific scientific meaning even though it seems to have been hijacked by the news media and now portrays it to the rather ignorant general public as being a political word.

If for example Las Vegas has to be abandoned, should we blame it on anthropogenic or Bovinogenic global warming or on the stupidity of the property developers building a large city in the middle of a desert in the first place. It has happened previously in the archaeological record. It will happen again. As in England at the moment, building houses on flood plains hasn't been terribly successful.

Building unsafe nuclear reactor designs on known Earthquake faults hasn't been too successful either.

I'm more concerned about the ongoing atmospheric geo-engineering and it effects on the human population.

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (01/25/14 07:05 AM)