+1 to Stegner's work. It is a most thoughtful and thorough study of a very important figure in western US history..

The fact is, we have transported cultures and lifestyles developed in places with plenty of water into the semiarid western US and presided over a massive population growth in the last half century. Something will have to change. Probably we will see changes in lifestyles, better hydraulic infrastructure,and a smaller population as we adjust.

Someday in the future, Hikermor III will walk into the iceberg store in Anchorage (either Bergs R' Us or Starbergs) and say:

"Hi,I'd like an iceberg to go, please." AKSAR III will respond, "Fine! They come standard with navigation lights. Would you care for a topping of slush? Helps with the melting...."

Geezer in Chief