Good thoughts, all.

Desalination won't work on the scale we'd need it. The energy requirements are huge and our grid here is already quite strained in the summer (and will be even more so with the loss of hydro power).

Gray water systems are a great idea but implementation is tricky in existing houses. That said, I'm strongly considering purchasing a 2,000 gallon bladder to put in the crawlspace under the house to collect laundry water and a little pump to pressurize it for irrigation of the yard essentials. However, that's no small expense and many in this economy can't afford such notions.

We've already retrofitted to low flow appliances and haven't watered what little lawn we have in several years. Our per person usage is between 50 and 60 gallons per day depending on the time of year, so pretty low as much of the state is in the 120 gallons per person per day range.

We already store ~28 gallons (10 days worth) of water since we're in earthquake country, but I suppose adding a few 55 gallon drums would be a good idea and get us further down the road should it be needed.

We're in a residential area so the threat of wildfire is somewhat reduced but still a concern. Good points on keeping the important documents etc., ready to go. I've got to work on that.