Originally Posted By: bacpacjac
Originally Posted By: JBMat
While we are bragging about cold -

A Co, 2/508 was deployed to Fort Greeley Alaska, January, 1980. -69 without wind chill. And we were out in tents. Granted, they were 10 man arctic tents, with stoves, but still.

And of course we deployed to Panama in February two weeks after we got back. Low temp there, 70. Go figure.

Ouch!! Our cold snaps here are the reason I'll never convince my hubby to move to the Yukon with me. BRR!!

When I was up at my brother's fishing lodge, he had one female reporter (from some place in the southern US, I don't recall where). She was part of a team touring fishing lodges for her outdoor articles. Anyway, Gord was relating how they come up in the middle of winter to check on the lodge and to do a little ice fishing every year. The road? Well, the lodge is 60 miles north of Yellowknife through the bush and frozen lakes, so they use snowmobiles. She asked about the usual delicacy - how do you go to the bathroom when it is so cold? As Gord was explaining the "anatomical bare necessities" you could hear the oohs and shrieks and ouches! She couldn't fathom the idea of -50* wind chill. Us Canucks had a little smirk and laugh - its just something we take into stride.

Speaking of cold, its -28*C (-39* windchill) right now and windchill temps are dropping to -50* tonight. I'm prepping to go out snowshoeing this afternoon in the fresh snow we got yesterday. Luckily, I got a new pair of bibbs and new balaclava to try out. smile