Originally Posted By: Pete

we're looking at moving into an era of decreasing resources and budgets. creative solutions are needed, or lower success rates will need to be accepted. just my $0.02.

I dare say you are correct in these statements. It seems to me that they make an excellent argument for affiliating with your local SAR organization before there is an emergency. Develop the relationships, build the team, and acquire capability.

Also, while it is true that exceptional physical stamina is highly desirable, it is not necessarily a mandatory prerequisite. Our organization has people who were not up to the more strenuous tasks and all of us were careful to make appropriate mission assignments. "A man has got to know his limitations" after all. I was impressed many times with the ability of a highly disparate group of people,with many varying capabilities, to come together and work productively toward a common, worthwhile goal.
Geezer in Chief