I live just north of the Tampa Bay area, and am fortunate to have excellent Doppler radar coverage by NOAA and the TV stations.. one with dual pole vertical and horizontal display... we don't get the super cell EF5 tornadoes of the mid West..., but do get some cyclones spun off the trailing edge of winter cold fronts as the warm air is driven up... and with the squall lines and storm bands of approaching tropical cyclones... a portable digital TV is nice to have.... when the weather alert radio goes off, and the power is out, a battery powered TV is a comfort...for longer duration power outages, provides a lot of relief from the boredom... with a short section of cable and a pair of rabbit ears I get several local TV stations... one uses a GPS function to tell which street the cyclone is turning on....additionally it works with a 12v cigarette plug to recharge and run....something to think about