Maybe we should clarify the purpose of the urban kit. Are we electricians or are we trying to get home in an emergency? I'm genuinely curious as to the tasks that people plan to put their urban kit to. Learn from haertig: he showed up on the bus with tire chains, deicer, bag of sand, etc., and looked like a fool!

In terms of my actual history of use, the three most useful items for my day-to-day are: cell phone (with backup power), water, and meds/first aid. Food, flashlight, and USB thumb drives are on the second tier. Defensive knowledge and options are third. I don't get to use tools like pliers or vice grips that often, and so I don't actually carry any. I have a Leatherman Wave, but I've used it only once in five years.

As for survival or emergency scenarios, I plan to get to my car or get home on foot, where I have more gear.