My father used to do work for a Jewish family that came over from Germany right after WWII. Supposedly, before things started going south for their people, they got wind of it and buried their valuables. Mostly diamonds and jewelry.

Once they got liberated from the camps, the remaining family members dug up what was buried and used that come over to the USA and start a building development company. My father can remember their father walking around at the end of the work day (with the numbers from the camp still tattooed on his hand), picking up bent nails, scrap wood, broken pieces of pipe, whatever was left on the site. A quiet unassuming man who didn't waste a single thing.

He watched their wealth grow and grow and today I know one of the sons from that family is worth around a billion dollars and is part owner of a professional football team.

Seeing that had such an impact on my father that he made sure I knew that story by heart.

Not only can you overcome dire situations if you stick together as a family..... but, if you work hard and try to waste as little as possible it might just work out for ya.

Plus, if you do end up with a little extra money here and there, it might not be a bad idea to have a little bag of diamonds and gold hidden away.