It is for this reason I prefer to can my own. You can't find canned wieners in the grocery. Vienna sausages are not a substitute. Likewise plain ground beef is not available anywhere, and the foil pouched seasoned ground meat I've found has an awful taste. My own corned beef hash recipe is far superior to anything commercially canned, and affords me the opportunity to adulterate it as I see fit, whether with diced green chile, or mushroom, or what have you. Of course I could add these things at the time of consumption, but only if they are handy at the time.

But I also have a stock of commercially canned meats, simply because more is better, and I am not altogether that picky about what I consume. Canned Spam is tasty enough, as is most tuna fish, which is something I do not home can, as I have no cheap source for the raw product here.

Of course, here in the colonies, er, territories, uh, states, we have all this wonderful wild game, and you won't find that in any store. Wild caught canned sockeye salmon is rare and expensive, so when I put up 30 pints at a cost of about $4 a pint by my tally, I was quite pleased. Likewise with the moose meat and caribou I've enjoyed. I suspect a good stag would fare as well in the canner.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)