ROTC students... an overlooked of the projects our Health and Human Services learning community (high school curriculum focus) undertook was to identify, and contact elderly members of the community that may need assistance in case of a tropical weather emergency... with some help from the Emergency Management team at MacDill AFB as to the use of "green and red" reflective marker panels to visibly display and indicate that they may need or not need assistance.. the NJROTC students spent a Saturday talking to identified elderly community members, and helped them complete an emergency plan, and register them for special needs shelters if necessary... additionally with the support of Walgreens and Wal Mart placed "Vial of Life" pill bottles with lists of medication and contact information in refrigerators for first responder support... we identified the community members through the county's elderly "meals on wheels" nutrition took a while to convince them to release the names.. the kids did an exceptional job...

Edited by LesSnyder (11/01/13 03:12 AM)