Thanks guys. She's growing fast! She a crawler and has started walking, so she's increasingly less content in her stroller. Luckily she loves looking around and singing along to the bumps on the stroller. We're logging less miles and I have to strategize my use of time, especially for fire, a little more.

Chisel, like you, I love living vicariously through other people's trips. It really helps the cabin fever and I always learn something. I figure I should give back and share some of mine too. Not that my trips are epic adventures or anything, and I'm no cinematographer like Les Stroud, but I've learned a lot from your guys. I also hope they'll inspire an idea in someone else, or help some other sleep deprived parent realize that it is possible to get dirt time with a little rug rat in tow. wink
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here: