Originally Posted By: Byrd_Huntr
Originally Posted By: hikermor

One of the reasons government work at lower pay used to be acceptable was that the work was steady, but that was then and this is now.

I know that was true back when my dad worked for city gov't, but not any longer, especially when paid benefits are factored in...

As of seven year ago when I left federal employment for the private sector, it was true. My federal salary was lower, and benefits (insurance, etc) cost me more then the private sector. But then again, I was a GS-12 engineer and IIRC, overtime was either not given or strongly discouraged. OTOH, I knew some of the shop technicians who were pushing six figures because of all the overtime they racked up.

Either way, getting back to my original question; Stockpile money in either fiat form or in precious materials as a precausion against hyperinflation.

EDIT: Researching my family history, I found that the 1917-1924 Russian hyperinflation cost my great-grandparents their considerable family fortune and turned them into refugees. Jewelry was used to pay for passage out.

Edited by Mark_R (10/04/13 07:22 PM)
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane