Originally Posted By: Russ
I don't buy survival stuff for peeps -- family or friends -- because stuff without the right mindset is wasted. What I do is try to influence mindset so they are more inclined to buy their own stuff. What normally happens is some incident occurs and suddenly I have a flashlight or a sharp at hand. Someone gets a cut and there's an FAK in my backpack. Influencing mindset is harder but it goes much further IMO. YMMV

I run into this with my son, who I have tried to build a basic car/first aid kit for.

A few months ago, I showed him everything I purchased for him, and showed him what that stuff should be used for.

A couple of weeks ago, he was helping up at big foot-ball game, and for whatever reason, the organizer didn't want the volunteers (my son) to wear a hat. The weather was great that day, but very sunny. My Son got himself a pretty good sunburn.

He came home, was absolutely miserable - I picked him up some solarcaine, made sure he took Ibuprofin to try to keep the inflamation down etc.. but explained to him once your burned, there really isn't a whole lot of great treatment options for the discomfort. I told him the best way to deal with Sunburn is not to get one to begin with.

Then I took him out to his car, had him pop the trunk, and handed him the Sunscreen I put in his kit two months before that he had totally forgotten about.

We'll see if it clicks next time...