I've been following the story out of Acapulco, which was cutoff over the weekend by the twin blows from two storms to hit Mexico. This article describes some of the troubles of tourists trapped there. The two main roads are flooded or blocked by multiple landslides, so the estimated 40,000 tourists there can really only escape by air, but the airport is still flooded and operating minimally, so there are long, long lines to catch any sort of flight out. The local Costco was looted and much of the region seems to be without electricity.

I really would not want to be wading around in that floodwater.

Acapulco has already been struggling for a while with stories of cartel violence nearby, but I'm sure this won't help its image at all.

Even for the well prepared, vacations are always a challenge, especially when the space/weight limitations of air travel are involved. It's easy to end up someplace feeling as unprepared as...well, the unprepared! Besides gear, you don't necessarily know the area well, don't have your support network to lean on, and may not even know the language or "how things are done".