On my phone, so will try to be quick. I'd skip quick clot similar. For bad bleeds, sterile bandage next to wound, rags/clothes/etc on top of them, and LOTS of pressure. If you can't afford a TQ, maybe a n additional triangle bandage and something sturdy to use as a windlass to make an expedient TQ.

How far are you from civilization? Benadryl is only a stop gap for anaphylaxis, so it's overall utility ai would put below bismuth. Folks are likely to get diarrhea, not likely to become anaphylactic (and if they do, oral benadryl is a poor choice for treatment). If it's just for regular allergies, so what if you have a runny nose? This goes back to people bringing their own prescriptions. I would say maybe 5- 10 packs of benadrly and the rest bismuth.

Skip the surgical scrub, it's redundant and rather bulky. How do you clean abrasions here in the US? I hope not with a surgical scrub! Soap/water or diluted peroxide works just fine

Edited by MDinana (07/21/13 12:41 AM)