Not sure why you are leaving out the oral rehydration salts? Are local salt and sugar available? Check out the Zinc Supplements too. Treatment for dysentery requires plenty of ORS. Just stopping someone up with Lomotil can be a hazard, especially in children. You will notice no Lomotil or Pepto in the WHO treatment below.

"Diarrhoeal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old, and is responsible for killing around 760 000 children every year. "

"Key measures to treat diarrhoea include the following:

Rehydration: with oral rehydration salts (ORS) solution. ORS is a mixture of clean water, salt and sugar. It costs a few cents per treatment. ORS is absorbed in the small intestine and replaces the water and electrolytes lost in the faeces.
Zinc supplements: zinc supplements reduce the duration of a diarrhoea episode by 25% and are associated with a 30% reduction in stool volume.
Rehydration: with intravenous fluids in case of severe dehydration or shock.
Nutrient-rich foods: the vicious circle of malnutrition and diarrhoea can be broken by continuing to give nutrient-rich foods – including breast milk – during an episode, and by giving a nutritious diet – including exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life – to children when they are well.
Consulting a health professional , in particular for management of persistent diarrhoea or when there is blood in stool or if there are signs of dehydration.