Originally Posted By: clearwater
Here is from one of the commenters.

"Susan Rogan • 14 hours ago −
..... The reason I am posting twice with stories is that I believe the wolves at least in the Yukon are becoming more bold, and I am not the only one who thinks this. ....."

I think there are indications that in areas where wolves and people live in close proximity, the wolves can get accustomed to people and become more bold. On the north side of Anchorage and on our local military base, a pack of wolves had taken a liking to killing and eating dogs, and had followed some people. This pack has now been eliminated:
The wolves of Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in north Anchorage have paid the ultimate price for their fascination with people and their pets. Officials of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game says state wildlife biologists, with help from a state-sanctioned trapper and military personnel, have over the course of the winter managed to kill nine of the animals. They are thought to be members or former members of a pack that had developed a taste for dogs.

Dogs, unfortunately for the wolves, are often accompanied by dog owners. Some of them became frightened when wolves threatened their pets, and state wildlife officials began to get increasingly nervous about the lack of respect wolves were showing the pet owners.
Tissue, bone and hair samples from the wolves killed over the winter are now being analyzed. That should help state biologists determine the dietary habits of the animals. Wolves living on the outskirts of Anchorage predominately feed on moose, Dall sheep and -- in the summer -- salmon. There is some curiosity as to how large a part of the diet dogs had become for some of these wolves. Loose dogs are a pretty easy target, and untold numbers of them disappear in the Anchorage area every year. There are also some questions as to what else the wolves might have been eating.

Some have wondered whether they might have become habituated to humans on the bases as much because of easy access to garbage as the access to dogs. Fish and Game did warn base residents that "to prevent future problems, area residents must take precautions not to leave out garbage, pet food, or other attractants that might draw wolves near homes and into neighborhoods."
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz