Originally Posted By: Quietly_Learning

I didn't realize icw was a specific boot. I found two sales that might interest you if the old ones are beaten up...

$45 used & $75 new
Vendor reviewed at:

$59.00 new

I've never purchased from either vendor.

"icw boot review" in Google gave some other sellers as well.

I had the heels replaced back in December. I wore them walking for 4 months, mostly on pavement and wore down the heels some so I put the heel savers on. I have not found they cause any significant loss of traction.

I am going to do a video on the heel savers. I put them on a bunch of shoes that have heel issues.

The shoe goo seems to work pretty well as an adhesive, but I suspect there is no glue that will deal with the flexing and stress where that crack is on the sole.

It was an interesting experiment though.
Warning - I am not an expert on anything having to do with this forum, but that won't stop me from saying what I think. smile
