Or is satellite position data just free?

No its been paid for from your taxes and the Russian Taxpayer. wink

Its all free for me being in the UK.

My iPod doesn't have a carrier, doesn't have an inbuilt GPS engine, but it doesn't stop me using GPS apps such as Memory Maps or making very very cheap phone calls.

I just added a Garmin Glo BT GPS and a ZTE MF60.

I don't want Google know what mapping tiles I'm downloading and where I am and I don't want any carrier knowing where I am calling from let alone the telephone number I am calling or the telephone number I am using.

The carrier is legally mandated to be able to track your position using triangulation of your cell phone using timing information from various cell phone towers. This basic geo location is passed back to your phone and provides the GPS engine inbuilt in your phone to more quickly obtain a faster GPS lock just in case you decide to start making and finish calls within 45-60 sec. They really, really want to know where you are calling from with 10-20 square meters rather than 2500 - 4000 square meters.

Apple is even more sneaky as they track log everything even using previously recorded WiFi LANs that Google have surreptitiously and illegally recorded when they created Google street view. These organisations work hand in hand with each other. Considering many companies such as Facebook etc are CIA seeded off shoots this is not surprising.

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (05/22/13 05:20 PM)