My first thought would be to skip this kit, you can do better for $35. All the components are top of the line, but there are a few things that jump out at me. First, the hard case offers little flexibility, I'd want to add a bottle of Potable Aqua at a minimum, and it doesn't look like there's room. Second, it appears that there is only one tinder cube in this kit, so that would have to ba augmented too. Thirdly, lots of peoplle like it, but I'm just not a big fan of the blast match. I've used one, and it does put out a lot of sparks, but it's just too darn big for a kit like this. For the same size, you can pack a spark lite, a mini-bic lighter, and a vial of NATO lifeboat matches.

You can put a good basic kit together for yourself for $35, but at this point, my advise to you would be to wait a few weeks and buy one of Doug's new kits with AMK. You'll get all the utility of that NRA kit and a lot more for $25.

You could then throw in a good water container, a bottle of potable aqua, some matches, and a couple strong trash bags and you'd have a good kit to give him and be under budget(always a plus.)

Just my two cents,
