Fighting a dog, you will be bitten, just like in a knife fight you are going to get cut. If it is a large dog, you will have to use both arms. But dogs don't like being lifted. They will try to escape. They may come back at you, but it will give you a little time. If you give them one arm and keep their teeth occupied, you may be able to lift the front of them up and get two feet off of the ground. They are vulnerable underneath. Kick, stab, hit, but make them hurt.

Most dogs are not attacking with killing intent, but it can still lead to that if it is too easy for them. Most animals, with the exception of large bears, will stop trying if you are a hard target and hurt them too much. I guess that would work for large bears too if you were big enough to be a threat.

The main point is to keep fighting the dog, don't turn and run. He will outrun you. Like they teach for black bears and mountain lions, face them, and slowly back away.