Originally Posted By: Herman30
When authorities received the captain's distress call, they dispatched a boat immediately, but it took 30 minutes to reach their location, Leonce said.

So if the swimmers would have stayed at the site of the sinking they would have been rescued after half an hour. That is how I understand it.

Originally Posted By: Russ
Didn't the article say they stayed near the SAR datum/sinking location an hour before swimming for St Lucia?

I wouldn't take any of the time lines quoted too literally. For the swimmers who "stayed near the SAR datum/sinking location an hour", this would be accurate only if they checked their watch and kept good notes. It is entirely possible that for those under stress it seemed like an hour, but it could easily have been much less. Likewise for the rescue, you are assuming that the authorities heard the Mayday call directly from the captain (not relayed via other boaters), and that there was no time lag to find an available boat and dispatch it to the location. We also shouldn't assume that a hurried Mayday location was entirely accurate, or that it didn't get garbled in transmission.

There is often a good deal of confusion in these situations.
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz