Ventile is a very high density weave long stable cotton fibre material. Not all cotton, nylon, polyester, polycotton or wool etc fabrics are created equal.

Material Attributes.

Comfort and warmth
Quiet non rustling
Wind Resistance
UV Degradation
Water Resistance
Water Proof
Fire Proof
Wide Operating Environmental Temperature
Ability to Repair
Ability to dry quickly

I wouldn't say that any one synthetic fabric is superior than a natural fabric material such as Ventile as Ventile Cotton will have lots of excellent attributes, which will be useful in the Wilderness. Same issue with Polyester fleece v Wool.

Ventile had been used for around 70 years now for RAF fighter Aircrew; it still has yet to be replaced with a synthetic.

But if operating in an Environment such as a potentially very wet and windy environment i.e. Scottish Highlands then Goretex/Event/Ceramic Triple Point would probably be preferred material due to its superior attributes of Waterproofness and weight over Ventile.

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (04/23/13 07:30 PM)