First let me say I understand your concerns regarding beef and the possible effects of BSE. Myself, I am a rancher and market cattle throughout Calif.,Oregon and Nev. The problem I have ( in general and not just with this post) is the fact that most people are completely clueless when it comes to food and food production. As someone who has a very personal stake in the industry, I can say there are places where there is room for improvment, but you have a 100% chance of having a plane crash into your house and kill you in your sleep than dying of a beef induce illness. Unless you happen to choke on a ribeye. The problem is media hype. Bad news sells and shock gets headlines. Cattle get BSE by eating bone meal, for the last 7 years bone meal has been banned for livestock consumption. The united states beef supply is safer than it was 20 years ago. Remember this is just like any other business, why would we try to promote an product that is bad for you or has health risks. The same people that make a living in this industry also eat their product everyday........ Thanks Rye