In addition to what has been mentioned don't forgot about the following:

Hospital - take a tour if available. Know the entrances and exits, where do you park and all that stuff. It will be up to you to take care of these things. You need to know where to go when you get to the hospital what floor etc.

Gear – don’t be afraid to bring the usually urban carry stuff it may be handy. Just have a good method to carry it all. I used a medium sized backpack and my wife packed her stuff in a wheeled suitcase. Make it as portable as possible, we moved around a couple times while in the hospital, you want to be able to grab and go. Don't take everything in at once. Breakdown what you need for labor and what you need for post-partum. You can all ways go out and get that huge suitcase after everything has settled down.

Child Birthing Classes – Get informed take a class, Bradley is in my opinion is the best class, do it soon, my Bradley class ran for I think 8 weeks. It is a real help to know what is going on and what you can do to help with the birth. The class will also cover what to bring to the hospital.

Small notepad – (should be in the urban carry stuff) It was very helpful in the hospital to write down the times of when labor started and other milestones. It’s convenient for writing down med’s, don’t depend on the nurses to bring you pain medication exactly on time. Call ahead so they are ready to bring it.

Camera/Cam-Corder – It’s a once in a lifetime event.