For my fellow gear addicts and over-packers:

Skill and experience definitely out weight gear, and every scenario is different, as are the scope of our EDC and BOBs. It's true that the more you know the less you need to carry, but that doesn't mean you have to go only bare essentials, as long as you're willing to hoof it, or at least be willing to adjust your load as you need to. (heck, the bare essentials for some people seems to be nothing. FWIW, I use a combo of the Law of 3s, Dave Caterbury's 10 Cs and Bear Grylls' "PRWF" as a basis for my kit building, and group my gear around the sub-kits of Shelter, Fire, Water, Signalling, Navigation and Food. (The top three change priority based on the seasonal weather.)

As an example, when I blew my shoulder apart a couple of years ago, I had a choice. I could lighten my loads or stop carrying anything all together. I chose to adjust. I'm still adjusting actually. My shoulder has a weight limit that I need to stay below when I'm on foot, and it's lower than what the rest of my body can tolerate. Remember, though, that adjusting your load can mean carrying fewer things, carrying lighter things or a combination of both.

Edited by bacpacjac (04/17/13 03:26 AM)
Mom & Adventurer

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