Originally Posted By: spuds
Once I went 4x4,cant believe I spent 45 years not ever having been exposed to it,would never go back,no way,no how.Should have started when I was 18 I now feel in hindsight.

Just doesnt make sense to me anymore not too,IMO,YMMV.

One of our better preps for sure,and its always with us.The 4x4 broken record continues,but I truly believe it so its a mantra from me.


Not sure what "broken record" you are refering to? I have not heard anyone suggest that it isn't useful having a 4X4. What has been suggested is that even without 4X4, experience and skill can get you through a lot. And that without experience and skill, 4X4 can sucker you deeper into a bad situation.

I am not exactly a newbie when it comes to using 4X4. You will be no doubt be amazed to learn that in Alaska it actually does snow now and then. wink In our family we drive one AWD car and one 4X4 SUV. Over many years I've driven a lot of different rigs, in a lot of different conditions. Deep snow, ice, mud, sand, rocks, you name it. I've seen people use them 4X4 well. And I've seen people without 4X4 get some amazing places. And I've sure seen a lot of people who got into serious trouble because they thought with their 4X4 their was no way they could get stuck. And,though I hate to admit it, I've gotten stuck myself once or twice, usually when I was being dumb. smile

"In Alaska we have four distinct seasons. There is early winter, mid winter, late winter, and next winter. What you folks down south call 'summer' is just the transition from late winter to next winter!" smile

Edited by AKSAR (04/01/13 12:56 AM)
Edit Reason: my typing sucks ;)
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz