I am sure we all would agree that in an ideal world, you have skill, experience, and superb equipment, all ideal for the task at hand.

Take another area - firearms. I am an adequate shot, but rather rusty - my military and LE training are decades ago. Give me a fine target rife, capable of sub-MOA accuracy, and I will keep the shots on the paper, and probably shoot a decent group (for me). But hand that same rifle to one of the current riflemen here on the forum, and you will get a group you can cover with a dime, or maybe just one hole - the best possible result. Could I out shoot that same rifleman if that person had a mediocre firearm? That would be an interesting question. I suspect I could not.

Going back to off roading. They still talk about the Phoenix doctor who custom built a 4x4 specifically for Canyon de Chelly. He brought to the canyon and irretrievably stuck it within sight of the visitor center. It sank from view, and now rests deep within the sands of de Chelly, awaiting the attention of future archaeologists from the planet Mong.

Eperience counts.
Geezer in Chief