Thank you, BPJ, I appreciate you defending me. I will disregard what Bingley said in order to focus this thread on what the original question was. I have received many thought provoking answers, and I consider myself informed now. This thread may be deleted if the moderators feel the need to do so.

Also, I am not trolling, however, as answers veered further away from my intended question (Poorly stated, I admit) I grew more impatient. The belief that I was trolling or attacking an individual's faith also made me grow more upset. I'm sorry if my attitude changed, I hadn't meant it to.

I would argue my stance of this issue, but I feel it would be more hurtful than productive. And for those in question, I am a strong atheist. I (as it was brought to my attention) am a 6 on the Dawkins scale.

Now, getting the conversation back on track, I believe that Native American's had the greatest understanding (in America) of spirituality. Do I believe that helped them? Yes. I may not believe in it, but it doesn't mean I don't believe it can be a positive, driving force. I hope this in concise enough, when I am not bombarded with homework, I will answer questions I have not gotten around to.