I am hesitant to reveal my religious affiliation, not because I am ashamed, but the feel it is not the purpose of this forum or this thread. So I will try and explain from my perception how religion (in general), spiritual belief and prayer can be beneficial in a survival situation, without specific references to any particular religion.

To me, God is an unknowable essence. We are finite beings trying to understand the infinite, the painting trying to know the painter. It is not possible and yet I do believe it is our spiritual goal to try and know and love this unknowable essence. I believe we as individuals and as societies, adopt various religious teachings to help us understand this relationship and to foster social interaction. When positively interpreted, these religious teachings have lead to advancements in both personal and societal growth. The very survival of a particular people or culture very often is dependent upon these teachings.

I believe God has given us free will, but at the same time a blueprint for life. If we adhere to the blueprint, our lives will conform to what is best for us. If we choose another blueprint, life may not be so easy to navigate. But it is our freewill to follow the blueprint or not. Those of us, who are parents, may see this relationship in our interactions with our children. We want them to be self-reliant, productive members of society. Based upon our life experiences we can provide them guidance that will allow them to learn and progress. They have the free will to accept the guidance or reject it and experience the results of their actions.

I believe the blueprint from God teaches us to be prepared, self-reliant individuals, but at the same time compassionate and giving. I believe that God wants us to live full productive lives, giving us the will to push on despite adversity and the despair that can come from survival situations. As to prayer, I consider myself lucky that my religious tradition has many revealed prayers. I view these prayers as God’s way of answering my requests and giving me a blueprint as to what is really important in life, even before I am placed in a situation where I need divine assistance. I try and remember to pray every day for wisdom and the ability to do the right thing at the right time, a form of preplanning. When something does happen and I decide to pray for assistance, part of that prayer is to not only ask for help and guidance, but acceptance as well.
