I am also of a minority faith in ETS

My devotion means a very deep relation with the higher power

It is interesting that in a survival situation or bad times anyway, it doesn't seem that the "official" details of a certain faith that are important, but rather one's approach to that faith.

I have seen people who are 10 times more holy-book thumping than me, 100 times more praying than me, but in case of a localized micro-SHTF siuation, they freak out and forget it all.

Faith has helped me many times but not in very different way that some described above. I do believe in my own training and wisdom to handle the situation, but faith fills that gap as a human does what is humanly possible ( and then leave the outcome to God). Soe can call it compromise or whatever, but I have felt relaxation and satisfaction many times when things worked out or didn't. I am satisfied that I did what I could, and at the same time, I know that I don't know everything in the universe, so what may appear today as a bad thing, may turn out tommorrow as the best thing that ever happened.