Hello, Preppers.
I would like your opinion on something I have been curious about for a while. When you are in the wilderness, or even lost and in a true life-or-death situation, do you consider faith a good thing, or a bad thing? I am not willing to disclose my beliefs, because I feel that I would be a minority. I do not see faith as beneficial in a physical sense (praying for fire will not make one appear), but if it helps you to get through your struggle, I see it as beneficial. I am not singling out any one belief. So, I guess what I am asking is: Does your faith help you through situations? Or do you believe that two hands working accomplishes more than two hands clasped in prayer? If this is too controversial of a topic, Moderators, feel free to delete it. As long as there is no bashing, I don't feel that it shouldn't be discussed.