I was going to send the following in a PM to IzzyJG99 since he's in Florida, then I figured I'd put it out there for everyone.

I want to send a shout out to a wonderful little homespun site that is loaded with good info. It is oriented towards Florida backcountry but anyone who ventures into the jungle, swamp, or wet grasslands can find something useful. I was intrigued because as a young kid I lived about 20 minutes away from the Everglades. My father and I would venture into the 'Glades regularly and it was always memorable.

I first discovered Reid Tillery's Florida Adventuring when I stumbled across his excellent video on practical navigation. I wound up checking out his site and buying his book on survival in Florida wilderness. I found the (apparently) self-published book to be quite well done and certainly worthwhile.

Reid didn't seem to put too much more material online for a while, but since then he has done some more landnav & mapping stuff that's good. The presentation quality is quite homemade but nicely done. He has a knack for getting things across well. Enjoy!

I have no affiliation with Reid or his site.